Gigolo CallBoys

Gigolo Membership Packages

Are you ready for the fun? Interested in joining and enjoying a sexual relationship with the ladies and girls? Have a look at our three premium packages after which you will be enjoying the world which you have imagined. Select from the three packages specially designed for you.


For Fresher


Validity: 1 Months

All Terms & Condition Apply*


For Good Earing


Validity: 2 Months

All Terms & Condition Apply*


For Premium Service


Validity: 3 Months

All Terms & Condition Apply*

Membership Benefits

When you will be successfully registered with us then you will have the access to several of our membership benefits.

  • You get a chance to meet our high profile business class women, single, married, divorced females across India.
  • You can do anything you want to satisfy their lust.
  • Besides sexual satisfaction, you can also be approached to go with them at several events because they need a companion who can love them all their way.
  • Your earning depends upon the type of client and how well you are treating the client.
  • If required you will be given training sessions on how well you can perform your job.
  • You can earn a handsome amount, far beyond your expectations if you satisfied the client.

What is the Scenario?

We are laden with choices from the moment our day begins, choices like what and which color to wear? What to eat? take metro or bus, etc. Sometimes the sum total of your choices you have taken throughout the day throws you in a disarray then you end up feeling disheartened or irritated.

So, there are many people out there who want to be a part of gigolo service and there are so many online portals or websites to choose from that an average people decide to join them end up getting duped or it turns out they hit a dead end. We here in brings the customer to the right service provider without any hassle or fear of coercion.

What Makes A Great Gigolo?

Many people think it is about your looks or your personality or how fit you are. But all these things become secondary when you undervalue the basic qualities like empathy, politeness, simplicity because these qualities define your relationship with client and this is what will take you forward not in this profession but everywhere in your life.

Why You Should Take Our Membership?

Trust is the most overheard and overemphasized word and easily taken for granted. While there are majority of people who enquire and really want to be a part of this group. Those who are serious and to ensure that they do not have to suffer, we have validated this membership. With a really small amount and can be easily earned back within 1 or 2 bookings. Just fill the form or call us, so that we can help you to get the right match. All the business clients are confidential and their comfort is our priority. The same is with your personal details. Your every detail will be stored in a secure CRM so that you can freely be a part of our team.